Medieval Project with Benjamin Bagby

The Cosmopolitan: Oswald von Wolkenstein (1377-1445)

July 6-13, 2025

Muhlenberg College
2400 W Chew St
Allentown, PA 18104
United States


Benjamin Bagby - (course director) voice
Lisa Solomon - voice
Lawrence Rosenwald - language, pronunciation, rhetoric, interpretation

Repertoire: Songs of Oswald von Wolkenstein
Audition due date April 15

Open to advance-level vocalists by audition (deadline April 15). There are a maximum of two spots open to high level vielle or medieval harp players by audition (deadline April 15). Non-participating auditors are welcome as space permits.

Explore the songs of the amazingly prolific Tirolean poet and adventurer, Oswald von Wolkenstein. During a long career, he managed to travel throughout Europe (and according to him, as far as Persia) in the service of kings and emperors. His adventures are recounted in a large body of monophonic song, preserved in several magnificent manuscripts which we can access today. He made himself (or his poetic persona) the center of his work and through his songs we experience his political battles, his love affairs, his family life, and his enormous ego. But he also had a tender side, vulnerable and self-ironic, a love of languages (he tells us he speaks ten of them), and a curiosity about musical composition and polyphony.

In addition to Oswald's many monophonic songs, all in German or a smattering of other languages, there are polyphonic pieces, for which he readily borrowed the musical settings from Italian and French models, adding his new texts. This most versatile and mercurial of all poet-musicians was unmatched in his omnivorous understanding of European musical traditions at the end of the Middle Ages.

Course participants should be trained vocalists at an intermediate to advanced level. Prior experience with medieval music is not necessary, but excellent pitch control and a good rhythmic sense are essential skills. We will try to work from the original notation, but transcriptions will also be provided. A knowledge of German is helpful but not essential.



Audition Due date

April 15, 2025


Benjamin Voice & Harp
Lisa Voice

Festival FAQs

Muhlenberg College: 2400 Chew Street, Allentown, PA
Closest Airport: Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE), is approximately 7 miles from the Muhlenberg campus.
Trans-Bridge Lines offers service from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in NYC, and Newark Airport to the Allentown Transportation Center, 603 Linden Street, Allentown, PA (2.3 miles from campus)
Greyhound offers service from Philadelphia to the Allentown Transportation Center.

The meal card is $280 and covers one week of meals starting with dinner on Sunday, June 29, (July 6 for second week) thru breakfast on Sunday, July 6, (July 13 for second week).

All standard rooms are air-conditioned. Budget rate housing is not air-conditioned, with hall baths. Basic linens (sheets, pillow, and towels) are included with all housing. Beds are twin, extra long.
Standard rooms with private baths are in Taylor Hall. Standard rooms with hall baths are in Martin Luther Hall, Kitchenette Suite rooms are in South Hall. Budget (non-ac) rooms are in Brown Hall.

Medieval Project Audition Requirements

To apply for the Medieval Project with Benjamin Bagby, please submit the following on AEM's audition portal, in addition to a $30 audition fee:
1. Include a recording of at least one Medieval solo song or Gregorian chant.
2. Please do not send recordings of polyphony where you sing an inner voice.
3. You may include one later piece if medieval music is not possible. A folk song would also be fine.
4. Accompaniment not necessary. Let us know however if you play an instrument.
5. Include resume, especially mentioning your previous experience in medieval music, if any.