The heart of the Amherst Early Music Festival!
Union College
807 Union Street
Schenectady, NY 12308
United States
Frances Blaker, Festival director
Central Program classes run both weeks of the Amherst Early Music Festival, June 30-July 7, and July 7-14, 2024
Register here!
The Central Program is the heart of the Festival. It is the largest and most varied program we offer, with classes available for most early music instruments, and music ranging from Medieval to Baroque. You can choose the combination of classes that works for you -- perfect if, like some of our students, you sing or dance and play an instrument or two. Play in consorts of like or mixed instruments, investigate a new repertory, take a dance class, or begin a new instrument. Week 1 classes include expanded offerings for Baroque instruments. Week 2 classes include offerings for Medieval instruments. We also offer a unique program in early notation for all levels starting with absolute beginner. Pitch is A=440, unless otherwise stated.
Week 1 Central Program Class List
Week 2 Central Program Class List
Registrants will be asked to make three ranked choices for each class period (1 or 2 for late morning.) and to fill out a short form about your musical skills and background. Look for an email with info from us soon!
*If you are in Baroque Academy, Ensemble Singing Intensive, or the Las Huelgas Medieval Project, there's no need to choose classes, your daily schedule is set. If you are in the Choral Workshop, you may choose a 4th period class. If you are in New London Assembly, and would like to take a music class, you may use the class choice form to choose a class.
*The AEMF schedule makes great demands on time and energy. Workshop burnout can be a real problem. Many students leave one period free to allow sufficient time to practice, rest, recreate, and integrate what they have learned. Please also note that you may audit any class as an alternative to playing every period of the day.
Scheduled Classes run Monday through Friday, with four class periods per day. Tuition for 4 class periods per week is $710. Part time tuition (2 class periods) is $450. Register with a tuition deposit for part time tuition.
In the evening there are lectures, concerts, madrigal singing in the courtyard, English country dancing, drop-in playing sessions, the AEM Auction, and socializing with early music enthusiasts from all over the world. Saturday is a day of rehearsals and concerts, including student concerts featuring music prepared in class.