Festival Self-Evaluation and Class Choice Form

  • Current Festival Class Choices
  • Complete

Amherst Early Music Self-Evaluation Form

Create and log into your AEM account before you fill out this form if you would like to save your work. (Optional!)
Your contact information
Which weeks will you attend the Festival?
What is your main instrument? (Select more than one if applicable.)
Any secondary instruments you will bring? (Recorder players we will ask for details in the recorder section.)
Musical Skills - For all applicants, please rate yourself from 1-5 (1 being the best)

Please tell us about the recorders you plan to bring to the workshop. Please list the maker and size. (Workshop pitch is A= 440) For each recorder size that you might play at the workshop, please rate yourself from 1 to 5 (1 = best).
Renaissance recorders
If you are interested in the Renaissance recorder classes, please rate yourself below, and be sure to include builders of instruments you will bring, and whether you own them, or will borrow them.

Please rate yourself from 1 - 5 (1= best) on each size viol that you plan to play at the workshop.

For AEM Account users: please review your experience below and, if it not up to date, please update it via your user profile.
Please give a brief summary above of your studying and playing experience for each instrument and for voice and anything else you think we should know. Have you studied privately? For how long, and with whom? What classes have you taken? Do you participate regularly in an ensemble? With whom? Singers should include their choral affiliations, and list recent repertoire.

See the full list of Festival Central Program classes, and then make your selections below.

Please select three choices for each period (two for late morning). We try hard to give you your first choices, but occasionally we need to cancel or shift classes, and that’s when your alternate choices are vital to us! If you choose only one class, we may make alternate choices for you as necessary.

If a student’s class choices appear to be inconsistent with his/her needs and/or current musical skills, or if a student’s only class choice is cancelled, Amherst Early Music reserves the right to assign the student to a more appropriate class. Amherst Early Music also reserves the right to modify program and faculty assignments in response to enrollment, and student preference.

The final class assignments will be posted on Sunday evening at the Festival.